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Monday, July 21, 2008

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Enjoy Free Poker Games

By Anirban Bhattacharya

Online poker game has become the flavor of the season. Nowadays, the popularity of online poker games has surpassed the craziness of land based poker games. Let us know why online poker games are so popular among public:

1. Super Speed

The speed of play poker online is generally twice that of land based poker play. So, you can get same fun and pleasure in comparatively less amount.

2. Inexpensiveness

Usually, rake collected by an online poker room costs 5% or less of each pot whereas the same will cost you roughly 10% or even higher in land based poker play. In this regard online play is the better value option.

3. 24x7 availability

One of the interesting features of online poker games is their continuous availability throughout the day. You can actually your time of play at any day and any time and get real fun and pleasure. In land based players must plan ahead and get to the venue at the due starting time.

4. Better Choices

Online poker players provide better more choice, in the number and variety of games to select from and players to play with. So, make sure you decide judiciously and reap better results.

5. Difference in Poker Tells

Poker Tells between online and land based poker play vary from each other. Usually in land based players spend more time observing body language and voice whereas in online poker games gives emphasis on timing, bet size, and table position rather than the judgment of facial expression.

6. Flexibility

In online poker, you are flexible to choose play in more than one room at a time. Clearly this is not an option open to land based players.

So, if you are a poker lover, you must take the pleasure of trying your hands in online poker tables and feel on the top of the world.

About the author

Myself webmaster of http://www.onlinegambling.co.uk, a free online casino gambling site to play casino games. Enjoy play poker online, free online blackjack & slot machine games.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Anirban_Bhattacharya

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